Adelaide United have asked that their home game against Perth on Sunday have a delayed kick-off time due to 40 degree heat.

Adelaide football manager Ante Kovacevic, told The World Game, that United applied to the FFA for a delayed start to the game and was waiting a response.

"We've aired our concerns about the game with the FFA," Kovacevic said.

"We saw the recent situation inย  Perth and we want to try and avoid that and see if there can be any movement, but obviously there are other key stake-holders to consider."

"It's under consideration, so the ball's in their court. There's not much else we can do but wait to see what happens now.

"They'll be looking into the possibility of delaying the game. They're aware of our concerns and I believe Perth Glory have made their concerns known as well, and obviously there's the women's game before us.

"That's even more concerning for them, because they're playing in the middle of the day when there will probably be zero shade for the players (from the grandstand).

"The FFA said they would talk about it internally and get back to us, but we have asked for a delayed kick-off and we hope to know if that will happen before the weekend.

"Once we saw the predicted temperature we raised our concerns. We've had discussions with the FFA over the last couple of days."

The game is scheduled to begin at 4.30pm Adelaide time.