Erebus driver David Reynolds fought a good battle from his 17th place on the starting grid for the second half of the Clipsal 500 on Sunday to come through and finish in 12th place at the end of yet another grueling 250km.

Unlike Saturday's race where he was called in for a pit lane penalty for going over the kerbs too many times, Sunday's race was basically trouble free.

He enjoyed several on track battles, with Jason Bright and Mark Winterbottom, passing the latter with ten laps remaining.

โ€œI got a reasonable start and had a few battles early on, then we pitted early trying to get some clean air. That worked for a couple laps and then Brighty buzzed out of pit lane and I got caught behind him and couldn't get passed him for the entire stint, so that ruined my chances of going forward. We eventually jumped him in the pits and I was able to push on a bit.

โ€œTowards the end Winterbottom was struggling so I got passed him, but I was saving fuel in my last stint; enough not to be able to push on, rolling out of the throttle, trying to brake a bit later to keep up the speed but save the fuel. I think that helped me look after the tyre a bit better. The last five laps I pushed on and caught Lowndes and Tander. Tander started blocking quite badly and it was only one lap to go and I caught him so it made it quite difficult.

โ€œOverall it was good and we were able to race forward.โ€