Strong wind gusts and tyre life were the key challenges each driver had to face with Mark Winterbottom the best of the four finishing second in the second p[practice session of the day.

โ€œIt was nice to have a good car under me and have a bit of a crack,โ€ Mark said. โ€œAll our cars worked the same which was nice. We ended up p2 and I think there is more in it but we will have to see what the wind does tomorrow and chase the track conditions. It is nice to have a good day and I look forward to progressing from where we are.โ€

Mark enjoyed a welcome return to the front at his home circuit finishing one spot ahead of team-mate Chaz Mostert who was just in front of Cameron Waters in fourth.

โ€œI think we have a little bit of work to do,โ€ Chaz added. โ€œThe wind has thrown a bit of a spanner in the works, though it did help a lot with turn one โ€“ I don't think I've ever been able to turn in like I did today. But then it is pretty bad around other parts so it is going to be pretty close tomorrow. I think we can make some little gains tomorrow but the weather will play a big part.โ€

Jason Bright was unfortunate to not join his fellow PRA drivers in the top 10. His fastest time of the final session was good enough, however he was adjudged to have exceeded track limits and has his fastest time deleted.

โ€œThe car isn't too bad despite the timesheet. We struggled in both sessions with the timing sensor that recognises the outside of the track,โ€ Jason concluded. โ€œI believe I kept two wheels on the track every time as the rule requires so that is a bit frustrating to get penalised. Without losing my best time we would've ended about 10th. We are losing a bit of time into turn one, but otherwise the rest of the lap isn't too bad which is encouraging.โ€

The high winds made consistent lap times difficult to achieve but with improved weather conditions and a further practice session today ahead of qualifying the quartet are confident of staying at the front.