When the yellow flags wave and the Safety Car hits the racetrack, that means it's time to slow down, right?

Wrong, according to Fox Sports V8 Supercars analyst Mark Skaife.

โ€œIt's one of the issues for our sport at the moment,โ€ Skaife told Inside Supercars.

โ€œI would argue that when the Safety Car is out, (drivers go at) warp-speed to maintain track position and to get an advantage.โ€

While Skaife concedes that he was no angel during his driving career โ€” โ€œthe yellow flags are out; they've always been the โ€˜catch-up' flags ... we all did it,โ€ he said โ€” enough is enough.

โ€œIt's happened a lot of times this year: Sydney Motorsport Park, Bathurst was as bad,โ€ he told the panel.

โ€œThe Scott Pye incident at the top of the hill was one of the ones. The guys were arriving at warp speed and there's medical people there.โ€

Fox Sports understands that the medical crew that arrived at Pye's accident on the exit of Sulman Park, where cars hit around 215km/h at full race speed, were concerned at the speed that other cars were passing the scene while they tried to attend to the driver.

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